Pensford Primary School

Pensford Primary School

Live and Learn Together
Sun Smiley face Smiley face
Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School
“Pupils feel safe
at school and are kind
to one another. They like
being at school and appreciate
the many experiences
they have.” - Ofsted
Smiley face

Village Hub

Here at Pensford Primary School we are 'Pensford And Proud', meaning we fully support the village of Pensford. It has a great wealth of additional events, groups and information which is well worth checking out. If you have any events you would like supported then simply contact us and we will endeavour to include it below.

First Steps Bath Group - Stay and Play sessions

Click here to view the information

Valley Arts

 Valley Arts proudly presents lots of exciting shows throughout the year - Contact Dave on 07821021733 / email 

Parish Newsletter

Keep abreast of anything related to the village by visiting the Parish website and viewing the latest newsletter. It is always worth a read as the school like to submit an article in term times to celebrate their latest highlights.

Pensford Toddler Group

Is your little one not quite ready for school? How about attending Pensford Toddlers? Every Tuesday at the Pensford Memorial hall, 9.45 - 11.45. £2.50 per adult, children free (first session FREE). Contact Lisbeth Taylerson for more information 07970 516255

The Big Blue Community Bus

Also for little ones but look out in our Events pages as The Big Blue Bus also runs holiday activities. The Big Blue Bus is now running a number of family sessions aimed at families with preschool children. It has been created to reduce isolation in rural areas by providing a friendly meeting place for support, making friends and family learning opportunities.

It will currently be at Pensford, Memorial Hall Car Park, every Thursday of each month, term-time 10am-12