Pensford Primary School

Pensford Primary School

Live and Learn Together
Sun Smiley face Smiley face
Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School
“Pupils feel safe
at school and are kind
to one another. They like
being at school and appreciate
the many experiences
they have.” - Ofsted
Smiley face

Our Wider Curriculum

In case you have missed it, click here for an explanation of our overarching approach to the curriculum, built on our Pensford Four Pillars.

We have re-designed our curriculum in order to improve its vibrancy and relevance for our children.  You can see the latest drafts of the curriculum documents by clicking on the subject areas below.  Teachers work on 'live' versions of these documents and we update them periodically on the website.  Please use the 'class pages' tab above to find the latest topic plan for your child's class.

The Early Years (Reception) curriculum is laid out separately here.

Art and Design

Computing and e-Safety

Design and Technology



Languages (Spanish)



Our Music Development Plan is here.

Physical Education (PE)

PSHRSE Further detail on the RSE curriculum is here. We follow the SCARF scheme with designated objectives for each year group. However, we incorporate lessons and circle times for children when required.

Religious Education (RE)


Looking for English and Maths?  The links take you to a dedicated page for each of these core subjects.

Our topics across our two-year planning cycle are also listed below.  'Year A' is academic years starting in September 2020, 2022 and so on; 'Year B' starts in September 2021, 2023 and so on.

You can find the associated topic plan for parents by clicking the links, and we are in the process of uploading all of the plans.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Terms 5 and 6
Duckling Time to wonder Me and My World Out and About
Dragonfly (Year A topics) Who's coming to tea? Fire! How do we get to...? Where are all the wild things? Once upon a time
Dragonfly (Year B topics) Our Amazing World Toy story We are artists Buses, planes and trains Sun, storms and seaside


(Year A topics)

North, East, South, West Rise of the Robots Extreme Survival Dig for Victory Escape from Pompeii
Otter (Year B topics) Going Global Raiders and Traders Can you walk like an Egyptian? Who is roaming in the rainforest? Down in the Valley
Kingfisher (Year A topics) Mmm...Chocolate Why aorta keep fit Marvellous Mayans Were we a fish? Dragon's Den
Kingfisher (Year B topics) What's out there? Who let the gods out? Is it me or is it hot in here? Victorious Victorians! How steady is your hand?