Pensford Primary School

Pensford Primary School

Live and Learn Together
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Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School
“Pupils feel safe
at school and are kind
to one another. They like
being at school and appreciate
the many experiences
they have.” - Ofsted
Smiley face

Pensford's Got Talent

We love to encourage children to show us their talents and to work together independently.  Here you can see and hear some of what the children have produced as part of the 2018 'Pensford's Got Talent' held in July.

Bonnie, Frankie, Clara and Freya in the 'Movement' category

Fin in the Singing category (aka Fin Sheeran!)
"Iron Man" in the Singing category. Bella and May combined rhyme with movement in the Spoken Word category
"Buffalo Soldier Boys" took us across the Atlantic with their rhythm! The school council were hosts, including a very energetic Oakley and Will as Ant ant Dec
The judges were much more enthralled than they look here - honest!

Our videos have been removed for the moment due to a technical issue, but will be back soon.