Pensford Primary School

Pensford Primary School

Live and Learn Together
Sun Smiley face Smiley face
Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School Life at Pensford Primary School
“Pupils feel safe
at school and are kind
to one another. They like
being at school and appreciate
the many experiences
they have.” - Ofsted
Smiley face


Volunteering in a primary school helps to build a very wide range of skills in preparation for employment, as well as being a very enjoyable activity for those not looking for paid work.  If you are interested in volunteering with us then please contact the school office: .

We also currently have a vacancy for a Teaching Assistant in Year 5/6 for just under 9 hours per week (8:45-10:20 daily).  You can find the full job advert here, or simply contact us in the office if you would like to find out more.